2008年5月29日 星期四

大學指考英文作文必看:為什麼要寫主題句? Why topic sentence?


2008年5月27日 星期二

Thank you, Etta

Dear Etta,

Thank you for giving me this sentence in response to my blog entry about the crash of this blog service system:

"Whenever you make up your mind, let me assist you."

(see: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!Bg7HgvOYBRkzGeSay8m92M.mshBOd7IWAF4-/article?mid=13&prev=14&next=12&l=a&fid=1&sc=1#yartcmt)

You've always been so supportive. Thanks a bunch!

A good time with Class 306

This evening, I attended Class 306's party with their homeroom teacher and math teacher. I enjoyed seeing the students having fun. Of course, we teachers had fun, too.

Though they didn't play any games, there was no moment without laughter. What's more, they came over to us teachers group by group to toast to us and express their gratitude. (They drank juice, not alcohol. So I believe they were completely sober.) I was quite moved. Though I taught them for only about 2 months, they treated me as if I had taught them for two years. Thank you, Class 306.

Max's blog entry about NTU

Max wrote in his blog about studying at NTU. If you are interested in what kind of people you'll meet at NTU, you might like to take a look at this entry.



Thank you, Max. I was really surprised at the academic performance of Mr. Cheng. However, as you said in the last paragraph, academic performance is just part of life. In many aspects, human beings are really created equal.

2008年5月26日 星期一

2008年5月22日 星期四

This is what "laugh to one's heart's content" mean

This is a photo taken before the water balloon war. In the photo, the students are laughing to their hearts' content.
314 laugh to their heart's content

2008 NHSH water ballooning -5

Students sitting listening to Po-en singing.
Students cleaning the playground together.

It's a pity that there is no photo of the water balloon war because I was "in war."

In fact, I didn't throw the water balloons at students; instead, I squeezed theballoons over their head to make them burst so that the water wet the students.

2008 NHSH Water Ballooning -4

Students waiting for the water balloon war.

Po-en singing.

2008 NHSH Water ballooning -3

Students showing their excitement before the water balloon war.

2008 NHSH water ballooning -2

Students before the water balloon war.

2008 NHSH Water ballooning--May 22, before the war

Students gathered for the water balloon war.

2008年5月11日 星期日

分詞構句, plus如何解析英文句子

This is a handout on the participial clause.


In fact, English is not as difficult as it appears. The most important part in a sentence is the verb. What comes before the verb, the so-called subject, is the topic of the sentence. And the part following the subject and beginning with the verb tells something about the topic. Thus, each sentence has only one verb, unless there is a conjuction to connect two clauses, each of which contains its own subject and verb, with the second subject sometimes deleted if it is the same as the first one. So if a simple sentence already has a verb, no other verbs are allowed. We use participles or infinitives.

By the way, to understand a sentence, the most important thing is to find the verb.

2008年5月9日 星期五

Students' common mistakes

The following are the questions for the translation part of the 3rd mock exam:

1. 因為現代人往往過著快步調的生活,所以時間的觀念再怎麼強調也不為過。

2. 換句話說,我們最好要善用時間並且養成守時的習慣。

To Miss Hung

Dear Miss Hung,

Well, if you want to know what's on the Mother Day's card, come to my office and you can read it.

In fact, you missed something more important. Your classmates said something good about you. When I told them how good your class was to turn off the lights right after the fourth class was dismissed in order to save electricity, they gave all the credit to you. They told me that it was you who always remembered to do it. Marvelous! You're going green.

2008年5月7日 星期三

Mariah Carey singing "Hero"

Here is a video of Mariah Carey singing "Hero."


Source: YouTube

It's a song we can get strength from, right, Classes 314 and 316?


Mother's Day Card from students

I received a hand-made heart-shaped Mother's Day card from Class 316. The words on it almost moved me to tears. I'm glad that at least they see something positive in me. BTW, they wrote in near perfect English.

2008年5月5日 星期一

An interesting lesson

In today's class, we discussed Unit 7 "Shopping for Souvenirs in Taiwan." Ben said it was an interesting lesson. Students like to read something which is very related to their life, something they are familiar with, something which is happening here and now.

Among the popular souvenirs sold in Taiwan which the writer suggested are name chops, traditional tea sets, delicate handheld fans, hand-paitned oil-paper umbrella, custom-made banners with Chinese calligraphy on them, CDs of Taiwan's roots music, bamboo products, waterproof hats and raincoats made of grass and bamboo fiber, and anything with Chinese characters on it, such a T-shirt. To my surprise, Taiwanese liquor and traditional Chinese-style clothing are described as improper things to give as souvenirs.

2008年5月4日 星期日

Compositions: Breakfast and I

The following are some compositions written recently by my students in Class 306.

Breakfast and I


Every day before I go to school, my mom has prepared breakfast for me. She is a superb cook. She can always come up with innovative ideas in making breakfast so that I can have delicious food in the morning. Besides, I always enjoy having a good breakfast with my family. While savoring each bite, we chat about something happening around us and watch the latest news on TV.

Breakfast is really important for me. It can make me full of energy all the morning. Thus, I don't sleep in class. What's more, it can let me have a wonderful dream at night. Although I don't know why, it really happens to me. Having breakfast really has a great influence on me. (122 words)

2008年5月2日 星期五

Max's speech

Today Max came to talk to my classes. He talked to Classes 306 and 316 in the 1st session at Lecture Room I and to Class 314 in the 2nd session in their classroom. Without a doubt, he is an eloquent speaker. Not only my students but also I were deeply attracted to him. And he very generously put his PowerPoint on his blog. Here it is.


Here I'd like to list some points in his speech that impressed me most: