2016年6月16日 星期四

2016年6月15日 星期三

Stephish's Picture Book

Yesterday evening, I got a private FB message from Vicky (楊雯琪), who graduated from NHSH in 2011 and is studying at National Chengchi University, informing me of the picture book her classmate, also my student, Stephish (劉思妤) had published recently. This is the link to the introduction of the author, the book, and the fund-raising activity, followed by a link to the procedure of placing an order, which is created by Vicky.



2016年6月13日 星期一

Data Bank for TED

A share on FB. This is amazing! It is a list of all the TED talks, including the link, the speaker, the title, a brief summary, the duration, and the date. The compiler is unknown, but is owed a debt of great gratitude.

"【TED Talks資料庫】找到一份Google文件,收集歷年來的TED演講(包括作者,演講摘要,演講日期和連結link,全部都有耶)   這簡直是大資料庫,大寶藏 !!!  不藏私大推 
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2016年6月12日 星期日

Zi-zhen's Vocal Recital

This afternoon, I took the 14:13 HSR to Taichung to attend my student Zi-zhen's (王子甄) vocal recital, also her graduation recital.

2016年6月11日 星期六

What Is This?

Yesterday afternoon I bumped into this insect while hiking in Yangmingshan. If you look closely at its upper part, you can see a human face. What is it? Nature is always a riddle to me.

2016年6月10日 星期五

2016 NTU Commencement Speech by Mr. Yeh--"自爆小學曾作弊 台大教授、總統創新獎得主葉丙成︰不要為社會期待而活"--from UDN

The news story about Mr. Yeh's commencement speech is inspiring, but the heading is not well written. It may mislead.


自爆小學曾作弊 台大教授、總統創新獎得主葉丙成︰不要為社會期待而活



Go to Yangmingshan on Impulse

See the time? 18:52! That's when we just left our car and enjoyed the serenity of Yangmingshan yesterday evening.

2016年6月9日 星期四

Be Useful--"施振榮:我有聽媽媽的話 做對社會有用的事"--from UDN


施振榮:我有聽媽媽的話 做對社會有用的事

2016-06-06 12:00 聯合報 記者鄭語謙╱即時報導


My comments: My prayer for my son always ends with "Let him exert himself and make contributions to society, to the world."

Homemade Healthy Breakfast--"自製菜單更健康 早餐也能田園風"--from UDN

My good friend Annie's article about the breakfast she prepares for her family is run in today's UDN. This morning, when I saw the photo, which looks familiar to me, I knew the article was hers. Annie shares the breakfast she makes every day with me and her FB friends. She has her own style.


自製菜單更健康 早餐也能田園風

2016-06-09 10:50:28 聯合報 文╱詹麗馨(新北永和)


2016年6月8日 星期三

Wei-li & Wei-chi, Bravo!

This evening, I went to a violin & piano concert with two former colleagues, Li-chu, Ching-ju, and Ching-ju's husband at Ms. Hong's invitation. Guess what! The pianist whose recital I attended around a month ago sat next to us, the second one from the right. I was really excited! I paid her my sincere compliments and got her permission to have photos taken with her.

Beautiful Lily Trip

2016年6月7日 星期二

Child-rearing--"兩種孩子…獨居倉庫他惜福 被捧手心他混日"--from UDN

A thought-provoking article.


兩種孩子…獨居倉庫他惜福 被捧手心他混日

2016-06-05 02:23 聯合報 李寶珍/國中教師(新北市)



2016年6月6日 星期一

Tze-huang, Congratulations on Your Graduation!

This photo looks familiar, right? Well, it was from my entry on April 20, 2013, entitled "The 2013 White Coat Ceremony at Chang Gung University." (http://june.ettachou.com/2013/04/20/the-2013-white-coat-ceremony-at-chang-gung-university/)   Why did I review this photo?

A few minutes ago, I got a private FB message from Tze-huang. It goes as follows:

2016年6月5日 星期日

"Japanese missing boy: How did Yamato Tanooka survive?"--from BBC

In the first few years when I was teaching at NHSH, an outside reading book about how a girl survived in a jungle impressed both the students and me a lot. a few days ago, a true story of survival in the wild happened in Japan.


Japanese missing boy: How did Yamato Tanooka survive?

By Yvette Tan BBC News

3 June 2016

A seven-year-old Japanese boy who went missing for nearly a week after his parents briefly left him in remote woods as punishment has been found safe and well.

How did Yamato Tanooka survive and find shelter, and how much of a danger were the bears that live in the region?

2016年6月4日 星期六

Tips on Cultivating Well-roundedness--"洪蘭/心智健全發展 勝過明星學校"--from UDN


洪蘭/心智健全發展 勝過明星學校

2016-06-04 02:29 聯合報 洪蘭 (中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授)


My comments: Bedtime stories not only stirred his imagination but strengthened the bond between his father and him.

2016年6月3日 星期五

When Friends Are There, It Is Different

My sister-in-law's funeral was held this morning.

When seeing her friends, my mom-in-law's friends, and my relatives at the funeral, I felt touched. At the signt of a friend of my sister-in-law's crying bitterly and looking like she regretted much not seeing her for a long time, only to attend her funeral, I cried too.

2016年6月2日 星期四

2016年6月1日 星期三

Tips on Preparation for the UEE English Test--"指考衝刺(三)/英作文搶分 架構要完整用字要精準"--from UDN


指考衝刺(三)/英作文搶分 架構要完整用字要精準

2016-06-01 08:00 聯合報 本報記者陳智華


My comments: All the three tips are what I would suggest if I were invited to give advice on preparing for English test on the UEE.