2008年6月30日 星期一


Today is the last day of this semester.  As usual, we teachers have a meeting.  At the meeting, we got a box of cake from Losan (羅珊), a colleague and friend, and a book from our principal Mr. Wu (吳正東校長). 

Though Losan couldn't came to the meeting, she gave us the cake to show her gratitude for our concern about her health.  In fact, she needn't have done so.  All we want is her good health.  Chris (林詠梅) read Losan's letter to everybody.  Since I was distributing the cake, I missed some parts.  However, the uncertainty of life she mentioned in the letter brought tears to my eyes. 

The book Mr. Wu gave us is the Chinese version of Teach LIke Your Hair's on Fire.  The Chinese title is 第56號教室的奇蹟.  I bought the original a few months ago but haven't finished it.  Hmm, I'll finish it before the summer school starts.  Mr. Wu briefly introduced the book, mentioning it's about how Rafe Esquith worked miracles among his students.  Mr. Wu especially mentioned the Six Levels of Moral Develoopment in Chapter 2, which I wrote about in my old blog before.   I'd like to repeat the six levels here in case it is hard to search for the entry in my old blog. 

Level I. I Don't Want to Get in Trouble

Level II. I Want a Reward

Level III.  I Want to Please Somebody

Level IV. I Follow the Rules

Level V. I Am Considerate of Other People

Level VI. I Have a Personal Code of Behavior and I Follow It

I'd like to thank both Losan and Mr. Wu for their generosity.   One offered us food and the other food for thought. 

